4 Tips on Planning Your Custom Home Design

Few things in life are more exciting than custom-designing your own home. Although you’ll surround yourself with experts to plan everything, it’s imperative that you have a sense of direction right off the bat.

To prepare yourself for your initial consultation with Artistic Design Build Inc., use these four tips:

1. Have a Vision

Whether it’s a complete home construction or custom kitchen remodel, knowing what you want from the beginning is important. Your space should not only reflect your personality but also support your lifestyle. Have a sense of the home style you want, number of rooms and what kind of space before asking an architect to draw plans.

2. Prioritize What Matters

Set your priorities straight. It’s easy to be distracted with enchanting details, and lose sight of the things you actually can’t live without. People value amenities differently; find out which ones are closest to your heart.

Experts that design bathroom and kitchen areas, like Artistic Design Build, would say that putting a premium on energy-efficient features never fails. They’re an excellent investment because they help increase home value, save energy, provide consistent comfort and combat moisture damage.

3. Think With Foresight

Poor space planning happens when you focus only on your present needs. Considering that you want to build a custom home, you are likely to stay in it for the long haul. Lots of changes in your life could happen between now and 10 years. Anticipate those, and prepare for them without needing to move to another property. Leaving room for expansion, and designing multi-purpose rooms make for flexibility.

4. Budget Realistically

You may be planning the design of your dream home, but the costs to build it are real. Not understanding your finances is a regretful mistake with big consequences. Once you know your price range, seasoned custom home builders would advise you to avoid having allowances in the bid, and to learn to read an estimate.

Hire the best team to plan and execute your project to perfection. Call (301) 969-3037 to schedule a consultation with Artistic Design Build in Bethesda, MD, or any nearby area, at your most convenient date and time.

Categories: Remodeling
Tom Mammen: