Two and three-story additions have been keeping us busy all over town as of late, and with good reason – in today’s market most of our clients are finding improvements to their existing home the best investment of all.
For those of you following along from our last installment, you’ll find updates on our 3-story Kensington addition further below, but today, we want to introduce you to our latest two-story addition getting underway in Takoma Park. When it’s all said and done we’ll be adding a new larger kitchen, living room, and powder room on the first floor and a new master bedroom suite on the second floor.
First things first though, as many of you are aware Takoma Park has its own unique set of building and remodeling guidelines, and a tree protection plan has to be in place before any construction work can begin.
In this case specifically we’ll be making sure that all of the roadside trees and those that surround are protected from machines running over their roots, that fencing is installed around all other trees on the property to cut off access from machines, that specific routes are designated on the property where machines can go though, and that all trees roots are protected with mulch and plywood. Additionally, all tree trunks will be covered with landscape fabric to form a source of padding just in case they are bumped during construction.
Check out the start of our tree precautions below:
- It won’t be long now. This Takoma Park home is about to enjoy a two-story addition and makeover that will make it the envy of the neighborhood. First comes the required tree preservation planning mandated by our client’s municipality. Note fencing for roadside trees to prevent heavy equipment from running over the roots.
- Small details matter. Here important tree roots are covered with mulch and plywood to ensure their health and safety as our equipment and crews come and go throughout this exciting project. Whether it’s local restrictions, as in this case, or a client’s HOA, we skillfully navigate every small detail on their behalf.